🎅 merry christmas 2013 🎅
   hello and welcome to my 2013 'christmas card substitution web page'. the last one was in 2010 and with all the one request for a new one this year, i thought i would extend my holiday wishes upon my people.
   last year was my first christmas out of florida in many years. as anyone that lives in the tri-state area may recall, the day after christmas brought us the glorious gift of blizzard. i was quickly reminded that driving in such an event is best left to idiots. fetching jenna to indy during the worst of it was an adventure i hope to never experience again. she can walk next time.
   this year, the season was dumped on us earlier than i have ever seen. there were full blown christmas displays in august and i believe the temperature the day i saw the first one was about 89°. this year also marks the end of the traditional 'black friday', as 'black thursday' rears it's ugly head in an attempt to ruin yet another holiday. no more time for that extra hunk of thanksgiving pie, as we need to head to <insert most stores> and buy the stuff that will be close to the same price within a week or two anyway. where most people could count on a day off with the family, now they have to trot off to work or shop like it's any other day. every year i think the people as a whole will boycott these retail shenanigans, but that's what i get for thinking. after all, christmas is really nothing more than a months long retail shopping celebration.
   update, thanksgiving evening: we did venture to the land of misfit shoppers (walmart) and did battle with the masses. there was pushing and shoving and yelling, but i ended up with a 32" tv for $100. because we all know that happiness comes in the form of more stuff.
   anyway, enough of my chronic hypocritical complaining. do enjoy the holidays any way you see fit. if i don't see you before the year's end, then avoiding each other has been successful.

have a great holiday of your choice and a fulfilling 2014.

yours, until something better comes along,
mike "mr. christmas" straub

this offer void in florida.

an armed family is a happy family.

because nothing says merry christmas like animal carnage.
if naughty and/or humorous images pain your brain,
do not scroll down any further.
do have a merry christmas.

the dog seems especially jolly.

have a great holiday!
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